Womens Gems

Looking for some sparkle to make your ring stand out? We have a wide selection of solitaire or tension settings that are both stunning and comfortable. Our titanium engagement rings offer the opportunity for you to choose a high-quality, natural gemstone that come in a range of gorgeous colours. If colour is not your thing, we also offer certified, natural Canadian diamonds that are custom-fitted to each setting by a jeweler!

What does it mean for a diamond to be certified? When purchasing one of our diamonds, you will receive a certificate with the purchase which contains information about the diamond cut and clarity!

Helena Solitaire Titanium Ring
Our Helena Titanium ring is an elegant, classic solitaire Titanium ring, featuring a dome profile band adorned with...
To Infinity Solitaire Titanium Engagement  Ring
Inspired by the flowing lines of nature, our To Infinity Titanium Ring is a ring that shows everyone...
Stella Solitaire Engagement Ring
The Stella Titanium engagement ring is elegant and trendy. Your Diamond or gemstone appears to float in a...
Cleopatra Solitaire Titanium Ring
Before the Cleopatra, there were no Titanium Rings with prong settings.  The Cleopatra changed that. It was the...
Etoile Princess Cut Titanium Ring
The Etoile Titanium engagement ring is clean and crisp in appearance. Your Gemstone sits flawlessly and appears to...
Aimee Heart Solitaire Titanium Ring
The Aimee Titanium engagement ring features a heart-shaped gemstone, set into a solitaire prong on a slender domed...
Meghan Triple Gemstone titanium ring
The Meghan Titanium engagement ring is a definite show-stopper! This one-of-a-kind creation features a triple tension setting that...
Cathedrale-Titanium Triple Gem Engagement Ring
The Cathedrale Titanium engagement ring is our own patented design. It features a triple tension setting that shows...
Etoile | Companion Titanium Ring
The Etoile Square Companion Titanium band was created to complete the Etoile Princess wedding set. The Etoile Princess...
Artemis Solitaire Engagement Ring
The Artemis features a slender band and single prong setting that is extremely comfortable to wear. The model...
Atom Tension Set Solitaire Ring
 The Atom titanium engagement ring is an airy design that accentuates your diamond or gemstone by letting the...
Electra Solitaire Titanium Ring
The Electra solitaire features a single prong setting and a slender band. To complete the Electra wedding set...
Showing: 1-12 of 33